Dance Therapy Intervention: Shadow Dance

When you dance with your shadow, you see your silhouette projected, like a blank canvas…
Making space for your subconscious to reveal its deepest fears & desires…
Offering you new insight and opportunity to explore reach more acceptance with yourself.

Learn how you can release past trauma, break unhealthy patterns, and finally let LOVE in with my FREE Rewired For Love training.

Would love to know your experience if you try this out 🙂

Here’s mine if you’re curious:
When I backed up closer to the light, my silhouette became really big. I felt my heart sink and I felt scared. I feared this “bigger me.” I felt the fear of being hugely visible and successful. I realized deeply how uncomfortable I was with this projection

Despite the fear and discomfort, I stood still for a while with my bigger shadow. I witnessed the sensations of fear in me and then I felt them disintegrate. I made sure not to look away. Then, I danced with my bigger self and loved how powerful she looked.

If you’d like to explore this with safety, support, and guidance, please contact me about having a session together!