80. How does Dance Therapy Heal Trauma and Improve Our Ability To Love?

Mind Your Body
Mind Your Body
80. How does Dance Therapy Heal Trauma and Improve Our Ability To Love?

Sarah Haddow shares transformational stories about clients who freed themselves from the prison of their past trauma, gently opened their hearts, and let healthy lasting love into their lives.

Learn how you can release past trauma, break unhealthy patterns, and finally let LOVE in with my FREE Rewired For Love training.

Interested in learning more about the LET LOVE IN Program? Click here for more details.

Sarah Haddow is a dance/movement psychotherapist who specializes in helping women heal from childhood trauma so they can create lasting, loving relationships with their partners.

In 2005, Sarah was hospitalized with a 20% chance of survival. That was her big wake up call to finally heal her trauma and build a healthy relationship with her body and others through dance.

For over 11 years, Sarah has transformed the lives of nearly a thousand women using movement to release deeply stored trauma from their bodies. She has led over 750 therapy sessions with women who have gone from feeling numb and unworthy to feeling alive and in love with themselves & their partners again.

Sarah has co-created incredible transformation and results with clients of Orit Krug’s LET LOVE IN program. She currently lives in the English countryside with her partner and 8 year-old son. Our clients looove her English accent!